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Mostrando Ocurrencias para: eel, mudfish

tukbut pronunciación

I. N

1. animal,fish,food eel, mudfish , [ESP] Anguila, pez lodo
Ejemplo de Frase-Phrase example:
  • Tukbut salpka aalbut isii. Kauling aa kwsi.
    The eel is a fish like a snake. People don't eat it.
    La anguila es un pez parecido a la culebra. La gente no se la come.



  • Etnográfica:
    Not sought after; eaten by some. Usually cooked by roasting in a waha leaf.
    No es muy buscado, algunos lo comen. Generalmente se cocina asado en una hoja de bijagua. En el 2009 se nota su escacez.
  • Léxica:
    Can also be called 'aalbut sii ki ka' (literally 'the snake from the water') or 'sii aing aalbut' (literally 'water snake').
    BA: Also takbut, tagbut, muulung maama. Some also say it is muulung, most likely collapsing freshwater eel and mudfish into one. See takbut, tagbut, mulung.